Return Policy

Exchange and Returns Period:

Our return policy offers a no-questions-asked approach, allowing you to return items within 30 days of the purchase date. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for a refund or exchange during this period, no questions asked. To be eligible for a return, items must be in their original condition and include all original packaging and accessories. Please retain your receipt or Order number for a smooth return process.



Upon receiving your return, we will inspect the item to ensure there is no damage and that it is in its original condition. Once the inspection is complete and the item is confirmed to be in acceptable condition, we will process your refund. The refund should return to your original payment method within 3-5 business days.



If the size of your purchased item does not fit, or if you would simply prefer a different style, we are happy to facilitate an exchange. As soon as we receive your returned item, we will process the exchange. In cases where there is a difference in price between the exchanged items, we will either refund the difference to you or provide a payment link for the additional amount owed. Our goal is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase and that it meets your needs and preferences.

Return Shipping:

Please note that while we offer refunds and exchanges on our products, the original shipping amount is non-refundable. Additionally, the cost of return shipping is the responsibility of the buyer and will not be covered by Kit Haus. We encourage our customers to reach out to us with any questions prior to ordering to ensure satisfaction and avoid unnecessary return shipping costs.

Contact us through our live chat or the form below for further enquires